Youth Parliament

Scottish Youth Parliament

The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) is the democratically elected voice of Scotland's young people.

Purpose of the Scottish Youth Parliament

It is a young people's parliament, designed by young people and led by young people for the benefit of young people.

They are committed to ensuring young people are heard by the decision makers of Scotland and are determined to campaign on the issues which matter most to Scotland's youth.

Current representatives for the Scottish Borders

  • Anna Vause and Emily Tweddle are the Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament for the Constituency of Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire
  • Alexandra Waterston-law is the Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for the Constituency of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale

The Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament are supported by staff from Scottish Borders Youth Voice to attend sittings and to deliver and develop local and national campaigns.

Elected representative roles

  • in the Scottish Borders we have three elected representatives serving as Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs)
  • the MSYP's are elected by their peer group and serve for a two year term
  • MSYP's attend three sittings of the Scottish Youth Parliament in each year, and can also sit as members or conveners of committee groups
  • as well as the SYP campaigns and consultations, your local MSYPs will also look at holding consultations and campaigns on issues specific to the Scottish Borders. So if you have any issues you know are affecting young people in the Borders get in touch. Contact 

From Scotlands Young People - Scottish Youth Parliaments five year Manifesto 2021-26

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new manifesto, From Scotland’s Young People.

The issues inside this key findings report focus on come directly from the concerns raised by 12-25 year olds across the country. By sharing their views in our consultation, young people have shaped SYP’s work over the next five years, as well as inform Scotland’s political parties on what changes Scotland’s youth would like to see in the next Scottish Parliamentary term. 

We made a deliberate effort to shine a light on the issues that are most important to young people who might otherwise be harder to reach, and whose lives may have been affected disproportionately by the pandemic. The manifesto presents detailed insights about the issues that matter most to these young people, to amplify those voices and ensure they are heard by those in power.

Our manifesto gives us the strong mandate we have to represent young people and is now available to download from the SYP website.

2024-2025 Campaigns

We work to bring your voices to decision makers and design innovative, youth led campaigns to proactively create the changes you want to see. 

This year, our members have selected three National Campaign Priorities. These are:

  • Increase Mental Health training and education
  • Invest in and protect youth work services
  • End gender-based violence

Find out more information on the SYP website.

More information

To contact your local MSYP or find out more about the Scottish Youth Parliament, contact Scottish Borders Youth Voice or visit the Scottish Youth Parliament website.

Scottish Borders Youth Voice

Contact Pam Rigby

Address: Community Learning and Development
Scottish Borders Council
Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 824000