About foster care
Fostering is looking after someone's child in your own home at a time when his or her family are unable to do so.
This may be due to a number of reasons, such as:
- family illness
- relationship difficulties
- family breakdown
- a situation where the child or young person's safety is threatened
Wherever possible, brothers and sisters are looked after in the same foster home. As they are based in the community, foster carers are able to maintain links with:
- schools
- clubs
- existing doctor and dentist
How long does foster care last?
Foster care can last for days, months, or in some cases for years. Most children return home to their families, but some children may need to be fostered for longer and may eventually be adopted.
Who is the service for?
Any child of any family may need to use foster care. Every child and their family are unique, no two family's circumstances will be the same. It is not just a service for those experiencing:
- poverty
- poor housing
- family breakdown
- abusive situations
Find out more
If you would like more information about fostering, contact our family placement team.
Family placement team
Adoption, fostering and family placement