There are a number of services available in the Scottish Borders to help support adults who have mental illness or mental health problems. Information is also available on mental health and wellbeing for children and young people.
Services available include:
- Inpatient Psychiatric Unit
- Community Mental Health Teams
- Mental Health Social Work Team and Mental Health Officer Service
- Mental Health Rehabilitation Services
- Psychological Services
- Mental Health Crisis Service
- Day Services
Access to most of these services is by a referral from your GP. This may involve either a psychiatric assessment or a social work assessment.
Housing and support services are provided through Penumbra and SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)
Community mental health services are provided by Social Work, NHS Borders and other voluntary organisations, including:
- Drop-ins
- Independent advocacy
- Health in Mind (peer connecting, 1-1 support, group work)
- Employability service
- Youth project
- Carers service
We have invested in an online service called Togetherall for residents of the Scottish Borders aged 16 and over. This service provides an anonymous peer to peer forum, offers self-assessment for anxiety and depression, as well as short online courses around grief and stress management. There is a 24 hour service for online chat with wellbeing advisors to support you to maintain your mental health and wellbeing.
Information about our guidance and statutory requirements can be found on the the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland website or the Scottish Government website.