What Matters Hubs

What Matters Hubs offer drop in sessions and appointments where you can meet people from community groups and voluntary organisations as well as our social workers and occupational therapists. At the Hubs you can:

  • talk with staff such as social workers and occupational therapists
  • talk with people from community groups and voluntary organisations across the Scottish Borders
  • find out more about our assessment process and eligibility criteria
  • get advice on the way in which our range of Technology Enabled Care products could help you or a loved one live more safely and independently at home.

We can:

  • help you to get information and advice quickly to remain in your own home and get involved in your community
  • help you find the support you need to stay independent, such as equipment, transport or help at home
  • provide advice for carers about support available in your area
  • provide information about what is happening in your local area and where you could meet new people
  • provide information about volunteering opportunities.

Walking Aid MOT sessions

Are you feeling a bit unsteady on your feet? Is your walking aid showing signs of wear and tear? Do you think you would benefit from a walking aid? NHS Borders Physiotherapy staff will be available at the following What Matters Hubs to discuss your concerns or review your current walking aid.

  • Hawick - Thursday 13 March 2025, 1-3pm
  • Galashiels - Wednesday 19 March, 10am-12noon

Hubs are available across the Borders

The following Hubs are currently open:

The Selkirk, Stow and Tweedbank What Matters Hubs are unavailable until further notice. 

Attending a Hub

Hubs operate on a drop in basis. You can also make an appointment by calling 0300 100 1800 (Option 1).

Hub not available in your area?

Please contact our Customer Advice and Support Service on 0300 100 1800 (Option 1) for more information. 

Carers can also contact the Borders Carers Centre on 01896 752431 for a carers support plan, information and advice.

Find mental health resources and self help in the Scottish Borders

Customer Advice and Support Service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800