Health and safety

Health and Safety complaints

Everyone is entitled to work in a workplace which is free from risks to health and safety, or where risks have been adequately controlled. Employees should also be trained and/or supervised in order to minimise risks.

Additionally, employees are entitled to expect basic welfare facilities at their place of work and opportunity to use them.

Complaints in the workplace

All complaints are dealt with confidentially and no names are released without the permission of the complainant.

Inspectors will investigate the complaint and may undertake visits to carry out inspections in order to identify the issues complained of.

Where appropriate, action will be taken to ensure the issue is resolved satisfactorily, where it is within our control to do so.

You can contact us with a complaint online.

Environmental health

Noise and odour control, contaminated land, food safety, health and safety, licensing, infectious disease, stray dogs

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800