
Multiply grant fund

The Multiply Grant Fund is now closed.

Grants of up to £10,000 were available to organisations across the Borders to enable them to develop new activities or courses that would allow adults to improve their understanding and use of maths in their daily lives, at home and work. This includes supporting learners to:

  • increase their confidence with numbers
  • upskill in order to access a certain job/career
  • increase their numeracy skills to help their children/grandchildren
  • use numeracy to better manage their money.

Grants were awarded to the following organisations:

  • Micrea Ltd, Hawick - Numeracy and Its Application in Science and Technology
  • Transform Arts CIC - Fearless Makers
  • Goat Willow Pottery - Pottery Workshop
  • Tweeddale Youth Action - 'Pie'thagoras and all that jazz
  • At Birkhill House CIC - Cloth numeracy play bags
  • Ana Petrusevski - Design Thinking Course
  • Cafe ReCharge CIC - Cookery Classes
  • Elisabeth Kelly - Parents: Early Numeracy Workshop
  • Go Wild Scotland - Numbers in Nature
  • Instinctively Wild CIC - Branching Out
  • Professional Performance Assoc Ltd - Mastering Numeracy and Public Speaking

More information

If you have any queries, please contact the team at:

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