Community Empowerment and Area Partnerships in other areas
Community Empowerment and the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015
Information about the Principles for Community Empowerment was prepared by Audit Scotland in July 2019, working with a Community Empowerment Advisory Group and bringing together Scotland's main public sector scrutiny bodies. This 25-page document was developed for scrutiny bodies, public bodies and their partners to promote understanding of what community empowerment should look like.
The Scottish Government website provides a number of actions and links to support communities to do things for themselves and to make their voices heard in the planning and delivery of services.
Local information is available on our website.
The Scottish Community Development Centre is the lead charitable body for community development in Scotland.
The Scottish Community Empowerment Action Plan was developed in 2009 by COSLA and Scottish Government. It pre-dates the rollout of the Community Empowerment Act and was written to re-assert the Scottish Government's commitment to Community Empowerment. Times have moved on since the document was written, but many of its principles remain current.
Area Partnerships in other areas
All public bodies in Scotland have been obliged to consider their approach to area partnerships and community planning within the context of the Community Empowerment Act 2015, although some may be at different stages of the process. Interesting comparisons with the Scottish Borders approach can be made by visiting the area partnerships pages of other Local Authority areas, such as East Lothian Council and Renfrewshire Council.