
Problems logging in

Why can't I log into my account

You may not be able to log in if:

We’ve recently changed the way you log into your MyScotBorders account

We’ve removed the link to your mygovscot myaccount making it simpler to log in. If you are struggling to sign into your account, we would recommend trying the following simple steps:

  • select sign in now
  • select Problems signing in?
  • enter your email address
  • check your inbox for an email to reset your password

You can still log into your mygovscot myaccount directly to manage your account and access any services you receive from them using your old login details.

I've forgotten my login details

If you can't remember your login details, choose 'Problems signing in?' and enter the email address you used when registering.  If the email address is correct you'll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

I haven't received the email to reset my password

Check your SPAM or JUNK folder, sometimes our emails are automatically put in those folders.

If the email isn't in those folders, you may have misspelled or used the wrong email address.  Re-submit your request again.

If none of the above resolve your issues, submit an account enquiry and we'll investigate your issue.


Register for MyScotBorders