The Conservation Area within Clintmains is a new designation and was proposed within the Adopted Local Plan (2008).
The Conservation Area of Clintmains covers the majority of the village. Its name stems from the farm by the lake.
The Village was originally built for the workers of Mertoun Estate, the property of the Duke of Sutherland.
A well preserved village, Clintmains original estate layout is still intact with the Green providing a significant contribution to the amenity of the village.
Properties range from single to two storeys in height. Building materials that are found within the Conservation Area are sandstone, harl and slate. Whinstone can also be found in parts.
It is notable that within Clintmains properties that have been harled tend to have sandstone margins around their openings, while those that are finished with stonework are complete with sandstone quoins and rybats.
These details along with other architectural details such as sash and case windows (of various patterns), transom lights or integral door lights, all contribute significantly to the character and appearance of the proposed Conservation Area.
It is all of these elements that give Clintmains its distinct appearance that should be preserved. It is for that reason that any alterations to individual buildings or new development within the Conservation Area should seek to respect the individual building and the wider Conservation Area.
There is one listed building within the Conservation Area, the category B Mertoun Glebe.