The Conservation Village of Denholm is centred round a large green. Planning of the Village began in 1664 when land in plots around the green was feued by Sir Archibald Douglas for houses and gardens.
To the west of the village is a former Denholm Mill that has now been converted to residential use.
Denholm is distinctive in that it represents a planned village based on the decanting of stocking weaving work from Hawick as opposed to the traditional unplanned or organic form of a village usually found in Roxburghshire.
Apart from the main village green a subsidiary smaller open space has been formed by an extension of Sunnyside to the east to form Leyden Road and by the opening of the north part of Kirk side.
While a considerable number of the properties were originally thatched, the birthplace of Dr John Leyden (poet and linguist) is the only remaining example.
The character of the Conservation Area stems principally from the green, though other features do contribute to this.
Properties around the green are mainly two storey (though there are some one and a half) and on a simple rectangular plan, gable ends and eaves to the roadside.
Overall most buildings are constructed in continuous rows but there are a few examples of detached cottages, therefore any new development should aim to follow this practice.
While traditional building materials and architectural detailing prevail throughout the Conservation Area such as the use of sandstone, harling, sash and case windows, margins and rybats.
It is all of these elements that give Denholm its distinct appearance that should be preserved. It is for that reason that any alterations to individual buildings or any new development within the Conservation Area should seek to respect the individual building and the wider Conservation Area.
There are six listed properties within the Conservation Area of which the Westgate Hall is a category A.
Designation, adoption and boundary information
Alterations to the Denholm Conservation Area boundary from that shown in the Roxburgh Local Plan 1995 consist of the exclusion of properties 1, 3, 4 Minto Gardens, the substation, the filter beds and adjacent land at Denholm Mill, Marybank, the play area and Two Hoots and Larach Dene along the Loaning. The inclusions consist of land at Deanburn lodge and a section of the road and embankments along Minto Road, other alterations consist of general tidying of the boundary so that it follows elements on the ground.