The Conservation Area of Gattonside takes in much of the settlement. An attractive picturesque village, Gattonside has many significant features that contribute greatly to the character of the Conservation Area.
Gattonside is a south sloping settlement looking over the River Tweed towards the Eildon Hills.
Narrow winding streets and paths run through the village and link with the Main Street. These streets and paths and the track that runs along the north of the Conservation Area as well as the track on the bank of the River Tweed all contribute to the distinctive spatial identity of Gattonside.
Noteworthy properties include Gattonside House, Abbotsmeadow, and Rose Cottage: all adding significantly to the sense of place of the Conservation Area.
Properties tend to be one and a half to two storeys in height but there are also a few single storey properties within the Conservation Area.
Two storey properties are mainly detached and are often set back from the roadside.
Traditional building materials prevail within the Conservation Area such as red and cream sandstone often mixed with whinstone, harling and slate.
Architectural details such as sash and case windows (though many have been now replaced), dormers, single-leaf doors, sandstone sills and lintels, margins, rybats, and transom lights all contribute to the sense of place.
Other details that are also common are stone boundary walls, some of which are drystone constructed, and most have a form of coping.
It is recommended that any alterations or new development within the Conservation Area should have regard to these elements and so contribute to the retention of its character.
Designation, adoption and boundary information
Alterations to the Gattonside Conservation Area boundary from that shown in the Ettrick and Lauderdale Local Plan 1995 consist of the exclusion of part of the River Tweed and therefore part of the Chain Bridge, part of Montgomerie Terrace and Monkswood Road, and general tidying of the boundary to follow elements on the ground.