The Conservation Area of Redpath incorporates most of the village and part of its surroundings. Redpath developed in a linear form between two farms, one located at the east and the other at the west of the village.
Many of the small cottages within the centre of Redpath were once the homes of weavers where looms were spun.
The Redpath Conservation Area has a distinct appearance and setting, it is located on the south facing slopes above a wooded dean connected to the Leader Water.
A track running along part of the village allows access to the rear of some of the properties. The layout of Redpath is one of the most important features of the Conservation Area, it is recommended that new development should respect this characteristic.
Another distinct feature is the rows of cottages on either side of the road that lead into the centre of the village.
Traditional building materials prevail, whin and sand stone, harl and slate are all to be found within the Redpath Conservation Area.
Architectural details such as sash and case windows and margins feature greatly. Stone boundary walls also appear of which some are dry.
While these collective details form the character of the Redpath Conservation Area they should all be protected and any alterations or new build should seek to respect the individual buildings and the wider Conservation Area.
There is currently one listed property within the amended Redpath Conservation Area – the category “Cs” Village Hall.
Designation, adoption and boundary information
Alterations to the Redpath Conservation Area boundary from that shown on the Redpath Conservation Area Map (1999) consist of the exclusion of the wooded area to the west of the settlement as well as general tidying of the boundary so that it follows elements on the ground.