The Conservation Area of St Boswells covers most of the historic core of the settlement.
The St Boswells Conservation Area has a distinct layout and is centred on the large green with its tree-lined approach into the centre of the village.
There is a wide range of property within the Conservation Area: mainly two or two and a half storeys in height, but including terraces, semi detached or detached.
Three large detached properties sited on the ridge of land on the north boundary have good views both into the village and over the River Tweed.
Detached properties tend to be sited back from the road and those built in rows are mainly built hard to the street with few exceptions.
As the layout of St Boswells is one of the most important features of the Conservation Area, it is recommended that new development should respect this characteristic.
Building materials that prevail throughout the Conservation Area are red and cream sandstone, harling, slate as well as whinstone, though mainly in the construction of boundary walls.
Architectural details include sash and case windows, dormers (a few of which have corbelled details), fanlights, transom lights, margins and rybats.
While these individual elements of the built fabric may not appear significant, their collective contribution to the Conservation Area is considerable.
Any new development or alterations should therefore aim to respect the individual building and the wider Conservation Area and take account of these important features.
There are currently six listed properties within the Conservation Area including the category “A” Lessudden House.
Designation, adoption and boundary information
Alterations to the St Boswells Conservation Area boundary from that shown in the Ettrick & Lauderdale Local Plan 1995 consist of the exclusion of properties at Inchdarnie Crescent, Nos 3, 4 Buccleuch Gardens, Nos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Jenny Moores Road, Thornedge, The Old Surgery, properties at Jean Lawrie Court, the field off Orchard Park and Monk Barns. The exclusion of a section of the River Tweed was also undertaken although a section of the riverbank is to remain within the boundary. The inclusions consist of the Royal British Legion and the field to the south-east of Lessudden House, other alterations consist of general tidying of the boundary so that it follows elements on the ground.