Planning Enforcement Charter Consultation - Consultations
Summary details
The purpose of the Planning Enforcement Charter is to explain the role of the Planning Enforcement Services, to set out the standards of service to be expected, and to show what happens at each stage in the enforcement process.
The revised document updates the existing Enforcement Charter and this is what we are seeking your comments on.
The service provided by the enforcement team cover two disciplines namely Planning and Building Standards.
Planning permission and a building warrant are required for most development that takes place in Scotland, with the exception of some minor works. Sometimes however, developers or householders undertake work without the required permissions or fail to keep to the permissions they have been given. We have powers to enforce planning and building standards requirements in such cases, if they consider it is in the public interest to do so. We will endeavour to monitor ongoing development, where resources permit, to ensure planning and building standards approvals are being followed but there is a role for the public in altering the Council to any problems they become aware of.
As stated earlier - this document updated the existing Planning Enforcement Charter.