Consultation on the Scottish Borders Community Council Scheme - Consultations
Summary details
We want to hear your views on the recommendations to amend the Scottish Borders Community Council Scheme.
Community Councils were first established in Scotland following the 1973 Act and following that, the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act, 1994, which produced the current system of unitary local authorities and made provision for the continuation of community councils.
As of February 2014 there are 66 community councils operating in the Scottish Borders. There are 67 defined community council areas in total.
The Scottish Borders Community Council Scheme sets out the rules under which community councils in the Scottish Borders must abide. In order to remain current, and reflect good practice, it is important that the Scheme is reviewed with a degree of frequency.
In October 2012 we approved a review of the existing Community Council Scheme and appointed Coucillor Frances Renton as Chair.
Membership of the group comprised of a Scottish Borders Councillor and Community Councillor from each Area Forum area. Nominations for membership were sought from Area Forums meetings in November/December 2012.
The Group met throughout 2013 to discuss the Community Council Scheme and identify amendments for recommendation.
Please read the consultation document below and submit your comments via the online survey or by sending your responses to the questions in the consultation document by post or email.
Consultation findings/decisions
The Community Council Scheme Review Group will consider the responses received to the consultation at their meeting in May 2014, prior to presenting the final recommendations to us on 26 June.