The purpose of this paper is to refresh and review our Parental Involvement Policy originally written and implemented in 2008.
This refresh takes into account recent educational changes, the use of technology in schools to communicate with parents and the recommendations from the Validated Self Evaluation on Parental Involvement. Parental Involvement has moved on in many Scottish Borders Schools due to the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence and this paper reflects and recognises both the achievements and challenges of involving parents in their child’s education.
The aim of refreshing this policy is to:
•Encourage a whole school community approach to Parental Involvement
•Provide examples of best practice for schools to move towards
•Provide guidance to parents about how they can be involved in the child’s education
•Highlight the importance of clear, 2-way communication between schools, parent councils and the parent forum
•To provide guidance to Parent Councils on ways to work in partnership with the school
•To provide guidance to schools/parents on realistic expectations
Key Points
To ensure that all School Communities in the Scottish Borders implement the refreshed Parental Involvement Policy 2014
•School communities (school staff, parent council members, parents and the wider community) will be expected to work together in the implementation of this policy
•All schools have different demographic needs, therefore the policy is designed to be flexible
•School communities should be able to evidence the implementation of this policy by providing evidence for each of the three main themes of parental Involvement:
-Learning at home
-Home/School Partnership
-Parental Representation
•It is understood that Parental Involvement is about working together to improve the educational experiences available to our children
•There are different processes for dealing with concerns and issues regarding the education and learning of individual or small groups of children/parents
We are inviting comments from parents via our online form on the draft document - available below as a PDF.