Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan - Consultations
Consultation subject
Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan
Summary details
We want your views on the Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan that is being developed for the Scottish Borders.
Full details
The aim of the plan is to support a reduction in the number of people reoffending following a previous conviction.
Community Justice is a planned method of crime reduction that aims to address the underlying causes of offending behaviour.
The plan is needed as part of the new Community Justice Scotland arrangements starting in April 2017. The existing Community Justice Authorities will cease at this time to be replaced by joint working through local Community Planning Partnerships.
A Community Justice Board chaired by the Chief Social Work Officer has been set up to coordinate and oversee the transition in the Borders. The Board has responsibility for developing plans and making the necessary changes in how services are designed, delivered and accessed.
The Scottish Government has identified seven outcomes that must be included in the plan:
• Communities improve their understanding and participation in community justice
• Partners plan and deliver services in a more strategic and collaborative way
• People have better access to the services they require, including welfare, health and wellbeing, housing and employability
• Effective interventions are delivered to prevent and reduce the risk of further offending
• Life chances are improved through needs, including health, financial inclusion, housing and safety being addressed
• People develop positive relationships and more opportunities to participate and contribute through education, employment and leisure activities
• Individual’s resilience and capacity for change and self-management are enhanced
The achievement of these outcomes will:
• support prevention
• reduce further offending
• result in fewer victims of crime
Consultation findings/decisions
Your feedback is important as we would like to have a broad range of views to make sure we have a thorough picture of public opinion that can then be incorporated into the draft.
We will look at all the responses we receive before presenting our recommendations to the Scottish Borders Community Planning Partnership. A formal consultation on the draft plan is planned for the end of the year.
Closing date
11 September 2016
01835 825080
Graham Jones, Project Manager - Scottish Borders Community Justice Transition