This consultation sets out the draft vision, priorities and actions of the new Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for the Scottish Borders, covering the period 2017-22.
Full details
Housing plays a vital role in meeting the needs of local people, communities and the economy. The Local Housing Strategy sets out a framework of action, investment and partnership working to deliver local priorities.
As the last LHS covered the period 2012-17, the preparation of the new Local Housing Strategy (2017-22) is well underway. To build up this draft strategy, we have been working with a wide range of partners to assess local needs, agree priorities and define ideas and solutions to deliver our shared vision for housing in the Scottish Borders and we now want to make sure that local people, communities and stakeholders have their say on whether these priorities will make a positive contribution to meeting housing need in the Borders.
Consultation findings/decisions
Following the consultation period the draft strategy will be subject to the peer review process, before going to Council for approval and submitted to Scottish Ministers in early 2017.