Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan - Draft - Consultations
Consultation subject
Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan 2017-2020 - Draft
Full details
The Scottish Government have introduced the Community Justice Scotland Act 2016 aimed to support prevention and reducing reoffending. This legislation is underpinned by seven common outcomes, a national strategy and an Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework. Local authorities are required to produce a Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan which incorporates this information. A Community Justice Board led by the Chief Social Work Officer has been established to progress this work.
Eight statutory partners are identified within community justice.
These partners will improve how they deliver services in line with the common outcomes listed below:
Structural Outcomes – What we deliver as partners
•Communities improve their understanding and participation in community justice
•Partners plan and deliver services in a more strategic and collaborative way
•People have better access to the services they require, including welfare, health and wellbeing, housing and employability
•Effective interventions should be delivered to prevent and reduce the risk of further offending.
Person-centric Outcomes – Changes to users
•Life chances are improved through needs, including health, financial inclusion, housing and safety being addressed
•People develop positive relationships and more opportunities to participate and contribute through education, employment and leisure activities
•Individual’s resilience and capacity for change and self-management are enhanced
Although we can’t change these seven common outcomes we can add local outcomes specific to the Scottish Borders.
An opportunity to participate
We have developed this draft plan and identified Outcome Improvement Actions we need to take to achieve these outcomes. We have also identified a number of measures to help us decide whether our actions are working; these are called Community Justice Indicators identified through the national Outcomes, Performance and Improvement Framework. We will be reporting our progress annually to the Scottish Government.
In advance of the publication date of 31 March 2017 we invite you to consider the draft Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan and inform us of any views you have on the proposals. In particular:
Do you think we need to add any additional local Scottish Borders Outcome/s?
Do you think there is anything else we could measure?
Consultation findings/decisions
Responses to the consultation will be considered by the Community Justice Board in March 2017.