Consultation on Jedburgh schools provision - Consultations
Consultation subject
School Estate consultation on proposed changes to the educational provision in Jedburgh
Summary details
This is a statutory consultation in relation to the proposal to create an Intergenerational Learning Campus in Jedburgh to replace the existing schools within the town in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.
Full details
We are looking for feedback on the following proposals to:
•build an Intergenerational Learning Campus in Jedburgh
•close Howdenburn Primary School
•close Howdenburn Nursery
•close Parkside Primary School
•close Parkside Nursery
•close Jedburgh Grammar School
•close Howdenburn Schoolhouse with the educational support for secondary aged pupils with complex Additional Support Needs being transferred to the Intergenerational Learning Campus
•amend the arrangements for pupils from Ancrum Primary School transitioning to Parkside Primary School for P6 and P7 to facilitate transition to the Intergenerational Learning Campus
•rezone primary school catchment zones from Howdenburn Primary School and Parkside Primary School to the Intergenerational Learning Campus
•rezone the secondary school catchment zone from Jedburgh Grammar School to the Intergenerational Learning Campus.
Paper copies of the consultation report are available at Council Headquarters, Howdenburn Primary School and Nursey, Howdenburn Schoolhouse, Parkside Primary School and Nursery, Jedburgh Grammar School, Ancrum Primary School, Denholm Primary School, Hobkirk Primary School, Hawick High School, Jedburgh Library and Hawick Library.
A Public Meeting will be held at Jedburgh Grammar School on 30 May at 7pm
Children and Young People
Consultation findings/decisions
Findings will be presented to Scottish Borders Council Executive in August 2017