Private and Council Home Repairs - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Private and Council Home Repairs
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Could you kindly provide me with the answer to the questions listed below for the years 2016-2021:1. How much money had been spent on subsidence repairs?2. How much money is spent on structural repairs in general per year?3. For how many days have houses been rendered inhabitable due to structural issues?
4. Number of instances where emergency rehousing has had to occur due to structural damage in need of structural repairs?
5. How much has been spent on emergency structural repairs in the cases where rehousing has had to take place due to structural damage?
6. What proactive measures are the council taking to prevent issues that have to do with global warming e.g. different and more sustainable house building methods?
7. Number of flooded properties because of global warming?
8. Number of flooded properties because of global warming per year?
9. How many properties have been flooded due to global warming for the first time?
10. How much money has been spent on flood preservation measures?
11. How much money has been spent on flood induced structural damage repairs?

I would like to please ask, if the information dating back to 2016 is not available, could I nonetheless please obtain the information which you have for all other available years between 2016 and 2021. Any information provided would be greatly appreciated.

Clarification received: Could we please gain the information on both council owned and privately owned properties please.
1. No money spent on subsidence repairs. The majority of housing stock is owned by RSL partners.

2. There has been an average spend of £486 per annum on structural repairs for Council owned temporary accommodation buildings.

3. The council-owned units have not been rendered uninhabitable during the completion of works on structural issues.

4. Council only own emergency/temporary accommodation. No instances of tenants having to leave due to structural issues.

5. N/A

6. The Council, as a stock transfer authority has no plans in relation to house building in regards to this matter.

7. We do not have figures of the number of properties flooded because of global warming.  Current figures for properties at risk can be found at the following links provided below.

8. Some of the information you have requested cannot be provided because Scottish Borders Council does not hold it and therefore we give notice under 10(4)(A) of EI(S)R 2004.

9. Some of the information you have requested cannot be provided because Scottish Borders Council does not hold it and therefore we give notice under 10(4)(A) of EI(S)R 2004.

  2016/17  2017/18  2018/19  2019/20  2020/21
  £000  £000  £000  £000  £000
Flood Studies  56  398  273  242  200
Hawick Flood Protection Scheme  1,114  1,345  5,093  5,991  13,989
Selkirk Flood Protection Scheme  6,378  455  144  243  0

  2016/17  2017/18  2018/19  2019/20  2020/21
Capital  £000  £000  £000  £000  £000
General Flood Protection Block  88  131  44  187  125
Flood and Coastal Revenue Spend  121  107  84  143  194

Please note the Flood and Coastal Revenue Spend does not include staff costs.
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