2021 Certification Work in Secondary Schools - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
2021 Certification Work in Secondary Schools
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am seeking information about the approaches adopted to generating the provisional results as part of the SQA Alternative Certification Model being used in schools this year. My understanding is that in some councils processes are in place to allow / encourage / require schools to compare their provisional results to previous attainment levels in recent years.Please answer the following questions. If documents exist in relation to answers (for example, if schools have been provided with a document outlining council policy on comparing 2021 results to previous results) then please include this as well.1) Do you expect schools to have compared their 2021 provisional results with attainment from previous years?2) If so, has a particular mechanism been put in place to facilitate this? For example, have particular resources been provided? Has an acceptable range for grades been set?
3) If a school's results do not align with previous attainment, what would happen?
The time frame for this request is 01/03/2021 - present.
1) Yes
2) No, schools have been asked to use Insight for information and previous SQA data
3) No, each subject has agreed assessment tools and grade boundaries
4) Nothing as mutil-level moderation of the evidence should be robust. Otherwise you compromise the ACM model