Building Site Permissible Operating Hours - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Building Site Permissible Operating Hours
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
1) What are the permissible operating hours that any building site works can be carried out with regard to planning approval 18/01417/FUL (Coopersknowe EHA development site) - please include weekday permitted operating hours and weekend permitted operating hours (both Saturday and Sunday)?2) Have there been any additional special requests granted for work to be carried out out with the above permissible limits and if so for which dates were they granted?3) Who is responsible within Scottish Borders Council to ensure all time restraints for building works operations are adhered to and enforced?
1. There are no conditions or informatives attached to planning consent 18/01471/FUL restricting hours of construction2. No
3. If the context of ‘restraints’ is a planning condition/s then it would be down to planning enforcement to enforce these conditions. Where there are no conditions restricting hours of operation etc. it would be investigated by Environmental Health/Amenity and Pollution. This would be carried out by Tricia Scott, Principal Regulatory Services Officer.