Looked After Children - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Looked After Children
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Scottish Borders Council.Please may you provide me with:* 1. As of 3rd September 2021, how many looked after children are in the care of your local authority?
* 2a) As of 3rd September 2021, how many sibling groups are in the care of your local authority?
* b) What is the total number of children in the sibling groups identified in response to Q2a?
* 3. How many sibling groups are all placed together?
* 4. How many children in your care, who are part of a sibling group, are not living with at least one of their siblings?
* 5. a) As of 3rd September 2021, how many approved foster carers (including all approved carers) do you have?
* b) As of 3rd September 2021, how many of those approved foster carers do you have currently looking after children?
* 1) TOTAL = 135
The total provided includes the number of children who are in the different types of placement e.g. fostering, kinship and external.
* 2a) TOTAL = 28
The total provided includes the number of children who are in the different types of placement e.g. fostering, kinship and external.
* 2b) TOTAL = 53
The total provided includes the number of children who are in the different types of placement e.g. fostering, kinship and external.
* 3) TOTAL = 22
The total provided includes the number of children who are in the different types of placement e.g. fostering, kinship and external.
* 4) TOTAL = 13
The total provided includes the number of children who are in the different types of placement e.g. fostering, kinship and external.