Housing First and Temporary Accommodation - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Housing First and Temporary Accommodation
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Housing FirstQ1. For each of the following years, please indicate how much money your local authority invested in the ‘Housing First’ scheme? (If data is only available in financial years please provide in this format)- 2018- 2019
- 2020
- 2021 (So Far)
Q2. Has the investment outlined above been drawn from your homelessness provision budgets, and if so what % does this represent (please outline for the most recent full financial/calendar year)?
Q3. How many individuals are currently accessing Housing First services in your local authority area?
Q4. What was your target (if applicable) for the number of individuals to access Housing First services this year?
Temporary Accommodation
Q5. For each of the following years, please indicate how many individuals were placed in temporary accommodation? (If data is only available in financial years please provide in this format)
- 2018
- 2019
- 2020
- 2021 (So Far)
Q6a.) Do you have a (targeted) maximum amount of time individuals are expected to spend in temporary accommodation before being moved into permanent accommodation? If so, please provide details of this target.
Q6b.) (If there is a target) How many individuals, currently living in temporary accommodation, have exceeded this expected amount of time?
Q7. Please provide a breakdown on the number of people currently placed in different forms of temporary accommodation. Where possible, please provide raw numbers for:
- B&Bs
- Hostels
- Hotels
- Temporary furnished flats
Should answering the above FOI exceed the allocated time and resources, please prioritise answering Questions 1, 5 and 6.
Q1. To date, there is no Housing First provision in the Scottish Borders.  However, as part of the Scottish Borders Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2019/2020 – 2023/2024, we are committed to developing Housing First.  We are currently concluding a procurement exercise for a Housing First pilot project and aim to launch a Housing First service this year.    Therefore, this information is not held and therefore we give notice under Section 17 (1) (b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2002.

Q2. N/A

Q3. None

Q4. 10 households in first year of Housing First pilot project.

Q5. Statistics up to 31/03/21 are publicly available at the website link provided below.

133 households placed in temporary accommodation from 01/04/21 to 30/09/21.  As the information requested is otherwise it is therefore exempt under Section 25 of Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Q6a.) No
Q6b.) N/A

- B&Bs - 0
- Hostels - 0
- Hotels - 0
- Temporary furnished flats – 106 households
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