I am making the following request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.Please answer the following questions:1) How many people applied for allotments in the following years:2019
2021 to date
2) How many people are on the current waiting list for allotments
3) The age breakdown of people who applied for allotments in the following years, if available.
2021 to date
Please provide age ranges if that is available, i.e., 18 – 26 yrs etc
1) How many people applied for allotments in the following years:
2019 - 17
2020 - 26
2021 to date - 24
2) How many people are on the current waiting list for allotments - 65
3) The age breakdown of people who applied for allotments in the following years, if available.
2021 to date – Scottish Borders does not hold the information requested. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.