I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding Taxi licensing.Please can you provide the following information1. Total number of Hackney Carriage vehicle's currently licenced by your authority.2. Do you impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light?
3. If yes to Q2 what is the wording of this condition?
4. If yes to Q2 have you received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights? If so how many? And how many of these were on grounds of public safety?
1. Total number of Hackney Carriages – 232
2. The Council do impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light.
3. The holder of a taxi licence shall display upon the roof of his taxi an illuminating sign of a type approved by the licensing authority for the purpose of identifying the vehicle as a taxi, which sign shall be wired to the taximeter so as to be illuminated when the taxi is available for hire but unlit at all other times; and when the taxi is available for shared hire he shall display in such position as approved by the licensing authority a sign of a type approved by the licensing authority for the purpose of indicating that the taxi is available for shared hire.
4. The Council have not received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights