Purchase of No 5and6 Westfield Bank, Eskbank for Waverley Line - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Purchase of No 5and6 Westfield Bank, Eskbank for Waverley Line
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act (Scotland).I understand that SBC purchased Nos 5 and 6 Westfield Bank, Eskbank in about 2012 to facilitate construction of the Waverley Line, also that purchase was 'Voluntary' on Compulsory Purchase terms, also that the properties were then transferred to Network Rail. If that is correct:-Q1. What documents define the reasons and purposes for these purchases?Q2. What were the purchase prices?
Q3. Did SBC make the purchases and own the titles or did another body?
Q4. Was SBC or anyone else compensated for the purchase costs through public funds whether directly or indirectly, and if so by what amount and by whom?
Q5. If the properties were transferred to Network Rail did Network Rail pay for them and if so by how much?
Q6. If Network Rail now has title and sells the residue of the properties does SBC expect to be refunded all or part of Network Rail’s receipts from sale?
Q7. Did the conditions of transferring the properties to Network Rail contain any constraint or requirements for the use of the ground in part or in whole, or its subsequent disposal?
1. Voluntary Purchase Scheme as prepared for and approved by the Borders Railway Joint Committee.
2. £370k for 5 Westfield Bank and £295k for 6 Westfield Bank
3. Scottish Borders Council
4. Scottish Borders Council received a grant for the purchase costs from Transport Scotland as part of the overall funding for the Borders Railway Project.
5. The properties were transferred to Network Rail at nil consideration on 6/11/2012 at the time that they signed to take on delivery responsibility for the project.
6. No.
7. No.