Free Personal Care - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Free Personal Care
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
1) In each year since 2019, how many people under 65 years old have (a) applied for and (b) received free personal care?2) In each year since 2019, how much has been spent providing free personal care to people under 65 years old?3) In each year since 2019, how many enquiries/complaints have been received regarding a lack of provision of free personal care for people under 65 years old?
1.ASome of the information you have requested cannot be provided because Scottish Borders Council does not hold it and therefore we give notice under s17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
Under 65s in receipt of FPC
Residential Care at Home Total
2019 33 113 146
2020 39 202 241
2021 (to 31 October only) 44 352 396
Care at Home has been determined by those Under 65 with tasks under the FPC budget during the reporting year.
Residential has been determined by those Under 65 in a residential placement in the reporting year.
Reporting years have been calculated from 01 January to 31 December, with the exception of 2021 which only runs up to 31 October.
In terms of the Care at Home figures, there are a considerable number of records that didn't have the budget recorded in the support plan; therefore, some of these blank records could also be FPC but we wouldn't know unless individually checking each support plan which would take too long to complete. It may be worth adding a note in the response to say that these figures are approximates.
2. We do not hold client commitment information in a format that make Free Personal Care extractable therefore we refer to s17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
The results per year are as follows:
01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019 = 2
01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 = 1
01/01/2021 to 03/11/2021 = 1