Compensation Payments 2018 to 2021 - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Compensation Payments 2018 to 2021
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
How much money has the council paid out in compensation for a time period covering January 2018 through until 29 October 2021.Can you give this information as a yearly figure, with 2021 including the year to date.Can you tell me what issue compensation was paid for, and break the figures down by category.Can you tell me the ten largest compensation payments made in each year, and what issue they were paid for?
Clarification requested: Please can you provide an explanation of your perception of compensation? Are you referring to compensation in relation to insurance claims which have been paid by Scottish Borders Council or can you give an indication as to what type of compensation you refer to.
Clarification Received: Thanks for getting back to me. I am looking for information related to insurance claims paid out by the council.
Please see the figures below – these will include both Public Liability and Employers Liability claims
2018 £259,434.46
2019 £75,608.13
2020 £159,677.85
2021 £111,752.14
Assault £75,000.00
Carriageway - Pothole £39,174.97
Defective Premises - Other £3,645.00
Fall £29,530.26
Grasscutting £75.00
Loose Chip/Debris - Carriageway £2,846.90
Man Handling People £1,254.00
Officials Indemnity £2,403.50
Other £71,231.13
Slip/Trip £22,942.17
Trip - Footway £11,331.53
Abuse £4,580.40
Carriageway - Pothole £9,413.87
Damage Third Party Property £12,774.88
Damage to U/G Cable £1,708.48
Grass Cutting £1,456.00
Loose Chip/Debris - Carriageway £2,112.22
Other £5,656.43
Signs - Carriageway £1,188.00
Slip/Trip £12,386.85
Trip - Footway £3,657.00
Using Machinery £20,674.00
Carriageway - Pothole £28,735.69
Damage Third Party Property £2,204.29
Defective Equipment £5,881.40
Grass Cutting £201.48
Loose Chip/Debris - Carriageway £432.00
Other £97,708.79
Sudden/Unforeseen £10,322.00
Trip - Footway £3,966.00
Using Machinery £10,226.20
Carriageway - Ice/Snow £5,090.00
Carriageway - Other £3,108.16
Carriageway - Pothole £16,637.27
Damage Third Party Property £1,159.40
Escape of Water £229.95
Other £8,884.76
Slip/Trip £75,000.00
Trip - Footway £1,305.00
Using Machinery £337.60
Top 2018
£4,136.17 Slip/Trip
£7,107.00 Other
£7,421.40 Other
£7,574.00 Fall
£11,331.53 Trip - Footway
£16,711.00 Slip/Trip
£21,956.26 Fall
£26,000.00 Other
£27,620.81 Other
£75,000.00 Assault
Top 2019
£1,500.00 Damage to U/G Cable
£1,809.36 Loose Chip/Debris - Carriageway
£2,797.37 Carriageway - Pothole
£3,657.00 Trip - Footway
£3,921.00 Other
£4,365.60 Damage Third Party Property
£4,580.40 Abuse
£5,393.42 Damage Third Party Property
£12,386.85 Slip/Trip
£20,674.00 Using Machinery
Top 2020
£1,248.35 Damage Third Party Property
£1,287.40 Carriageway - Pothole
£2,312.60 Carriageway - Pothole
£3,966.00 Trip - Footway
£4,818.50 Other
£5,881.40 Defective Equipment
£10,226.20 Using Machinery
£10,322.00 Sudden/Unforeseen
£20,855.29 Other
£71,985.00 Other
Top 2021
£1,021.13 Carriageway - Pothole
£1,157.90 Carriageway - Pothole
£1,272.86 Carriageway - Pothole
£1,305.00 Trip - Footway
£1,461.79 Carriageway - Pothole
£2,540.43 Carriageway - Pothole
£3,000.00 Carriageway - Other
£5.090.00 Carriageway - Ice/Snow
£8.688.00 Other
£75.000.00 Slip/Trip