Chief Executive delegation - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Chief Executive delegation
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Part of my PhD thesis is to find the relationship between the amount of money delegated to the managerial structure without getting the approval of members and the level of digital investment happening in the council.So, Chief executives are always delegated certain amount of money to make decisions up to that limit without referring back or taking the approval of members or committees. So, How much is the Chief Executive delegated? how much is his delegation limit in GBP?What is the maximum delegation limit (in money terms) of his/her decisions without going back to members?The answer is a single financial figure.
Thank you for your Information Request. However the premise upon which you pose that request is not correct. Council delegates particular functions to various Officers through an approved Scheme of Delegation. That delegation is generally, based on the nature of the function rather than any monetary value.
Officers are required to operate within the confines of the budget allocated to Projects and Services, which are approved annually by Council.
The only exception to this general approach is that the Director – Infrastructure and Environment has delegated authority to buy and sell property (in consultation with the Director – Finance and Corporate Governance, and the Chief Legal Officer) up to a capital value of £500,000