Play Sufficiency and Childcare Sufficiency Assessment - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Play Sufficiency and Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Under the freedom of information (Scotland) act 2002, I'd like to make a request regarding your Play sufficiency and Childcare sufficiency reporting. According to the Scottish Parliament there is a statutory duty for local authorities, in accordance to the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019, LAs are required to undertake Play Sufficiency Assessments as part of their strategic planning and for children to be consulted on local place plans.
According to the Scottish Parliament there is a statutory guidance for education authorities, in accordance to the Scotland's Schools act 2000, which empowers Scottish ministers to issue guidance to education authorities on the exercise of their functions in relation to the delivery of early learning and childcare .
Therefore, I would like to request your most recent evidence of this reporting, and where parents are able to access this
Please provide the LA's latest Play Sufficiency and Childcare Sufficiency Assessments, along with timings for when these assessments will next be undertaken and published.
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced new duties on planning authorities to prepare and publish an Open Space Strategy and to assess the sufficiency of play opportunities in their area for children.
The Act outlines the purpose of Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessments and gives Scottish Ministers powers to prepare regulations. However this part of the Act has not been enacted and the secondary legislation has not been laid before or approved by Parliament. The Draft Regulations are currently out for consultation (consultation closes 31 March 2022). Therefore we refer to s17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.