Flood Complaints - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Flood Complaints
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information: 1. I would like you to provide me with the number of complaints made to the authority during 2020 and 2021 regarding non-compliance with flood risk planning conditions and any other flood-related issues (such as problems with drainage) at new domestic developments in the area. I would like you to segregate the complaints depending on the year in which they were made, and it would be useful if you could provide some detail about the nature of the complaint (i.e. whether the complaint was about flood defences, drainage etc.) By “new” domestic developments, I refer to any which began construction from 01/01/15 onwards, and by “flood-related issues” I mean any complaints relating to problems with flooding or problems with infrastructure likely to exacerbate or increase the risk of flooding such as poor drainage. 
2. For context, I would also like you to supply me with the total sum of all complaints received about new domestic developments (again those beginning construction from 01/01/15) in the years 2020 and 2021 (again segregated by year) regardless of complaint type.
3. Finally, I would like you to provide information about how the council responded to each of the complaints regarding flooding as requested in part 1 of this request - e.g. did a physical inspection take place, was the complaint dismissed etc. Details about the complaints requested in part 2 of my request will not be necessary.
I would prefer the information returned to me in a spreadsheet format where possible.
Scottish Borders Council have no record of any formal complaint being submitted in relation to non-compliance with flood related planning conditions.
Where there are cases of alleged non-compliance with planning conditions relating to flooding, any correspondence retained by the planning authority will be on the planning application file and will be available to view electronically via the Public Access portal.  The individual can search for planning applications be entering the application reference number in the simple search function – link below.
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