Children's Health and Wellbeing Census - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Children's Health and Wellbeing Census
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am emailing to request the following information about the Scottish Government's Children's health and wellbeing census for 2021/2022 within your local authority:1) Is the local authority participating in the census with its pupils?2) How many pupils in the authority have completed the census?3) Did the authority modify any of the questions asked in the census?
4) Have any educational establishments refused to take part in the census?
5) Request for all communication to the authority with concerns about the census from external or internal sources.
1) Yes
2) The Survey closed on 1st April 2022.
3)               The relationships and sexual health questions have been removed.
              No further modifications were made.
4) No
5) Please see below excerpts of communication received about the census.
1. Raise concerns about the questions which they feel are too intrusive.
2. How does a high school pupil not currently attending complete the health and well-being survey?
3. The above Census is something that many of our parents are asking questions about. I was wondering who is leading on this for ASN children to be supported to fill this out, especially our enhanced provision students?
4. I was wondering if there was any other format to this census for the young people with additional needs.
       As it stands my son is unable to understand the questions asked.
       Is it possible for the census to be adapted for those with Additional needs.
       Our young people with ASN needs should be included but to their ability.
5. Is there any chance that I could have a copy of this sent to me as I have seen something previously showing my a census and I found the questions inappropriate for a child in s1. I am confident this may not be the correct census however I wish to see the questions before making my decision.
6. Would it be possible to make it very clear to pupils and parents about the OPT OUT option at the start of the survey
7. Make parents aware there are questions about sexual activity
8. Give parents an idea of the nature of the question e.g. smoking and drug use
9. On what date did Scottish Borders Council (SBC) have first involvement with the Census?
10. Was SBC enabled to comment on the proposed question content?  If so, when, by what body, and are you able to share those responses?
11. On what date was SBC provided with the final Census and all of the governance documents?
12. From the information received, who made the decision that SBC would review the questions prior to deciding whether to participate as reported in the national press and on what date
13. On receipt of the Census, what were the actions, with time line, taken by officers to prepare for this Census to be delivered?
14. Were any concerns raised formally at any point by any officer in Education, Social Work or any other Directorate specifically relating to smoking, drug use or sexual matters and if so on what date?
15. If concerns were raised, what actions were undertaken to discuss these and make a decision on how to proceed and by whom?
16. Who made the decision to undertake a Members' Briefing on 23rd February 2022?
17. What was the identified purpose of this briefing and the expected outcomes?
18. Why were Councillors enabled to make decisions on the appropriateness of the questions in the census taking into account that the majority of those in attendance are not education specialists, nor are they specialists in understanding the needs of Children and Young People?
19. Why was a decision taken to engage with Parent Councils at such a late stage?
20. What is the remit of Parent Councils in SBC with regard to matters relevant to Children and Young People?
21. What communication to date has been undertaken with the parents/carers/guardians of the Children and Young People who will be offered the opportunity to undertake the Census?
22. If there has been communication, have any concerns been raised?
23. Are you assured that removing the questions relating to sexual matters is not going to be detrimental to the educational outcomes for children and young people, particularly taking into account the need for robust, age appropriate sex education to reduce risk taking behaviours?
24. Has the Scottish Borders Council decided either to withdraw, censor or review the census?
25. Were parents, school boards, children and teachers consulted to have a say? If not, why?
26. Was a risk assessment done?
27. What pedagogical and developmental psychological research underpins the nature of the survey?
28. What support is given to the schools in regards to resources for those it may impact negatively such as a child traumatised by abuse who may be triggered by this survey?
29. What is in place to help teachers deal with issues that may arise from it?
30. How confidential is this survey?
31. When information like this has been gathered in other countries, it is based upon 1:1 interviews with consenting teens and conducted by trauma informed practitioners? Why is that not being done here?
32. Who developed it? Out with the Education Department, Scottish Government etc. were there any other groups involved with its development such as lobby groups or charities?  If so, which ones?
33. And finally, I believe this survey is a breach of young people's right to privacy and to give informed consent. What are your thoughts?
34. It has come to my attention that pupils from years P5 to S6 – so children as young as EIGHT – are being asked a number of questions including how often they've had anal sex in the last year!!!! How on earth has this happened?
35. Can you confirm if the survey highlighted in the article will be sent out to pupils in the Scottish Borders?
36. Could we put a halt on this census going out to pupils until we have had a discussion about the topics included in the survey?
37. Some of the questions totally unacceptable and intrusive!
38. The questions are very intrusive and, in some cases, incriminating. The answers are tied to a SQA number, and therefore not truly anonymous and, as the article suggests, some councils have point-blank refused to give them to pupils.