Drug and Alcohol Funding 2017-2021 - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Drug and Alcohol Funding 2017-2021
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Under the freedom of information act, I am writing to you to request data regarding the funding that has been allocated towards combating drug and alcohol abuse in the Scottish Borders. 1. What was the Council's total spend on treating addiction in the following years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?
2. What is the budget for spending on addiction services in 2022?
3. How much was spent on residential rehabilitation in treating addiction to illicit drugs or alcohol in the following years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?
4. Have you implemented any specific programs to prevent addiction? If so, what are they?
5. How much was spent on prevention of addiction in the following years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021?
6. Where does the budget for addiction spending come from? Which fund is it included in?
7. What was the number of people placed into your statutory local community treatment facilities for drug and alcohol treatment for each year between 2013 - 2021?
8. What was the total number of people placed into your statutory local community treatment facilities for drug and alcohol treatment between 2013 - 2021?
9. Of those people, please could you also provide the number who re-presented back into the same statutory local community treatment facilities between the same time period?
1. Please note that the information below includes:
Funding for statutory and third sector alcohol and drug services. Due the nature of the current service configuration this includes include interventions focussed around treatment for alcohol and drug dependence and also support and recovery services.
These figures include:
* Alcohol and Drugs Partnership funding
* NHS Borders funding
* Scottish Borders Council funding
The figures used to compile this table are taken from our published Annual Reports as returned to Scottish Government.
Year Spend
April 17-March 2018 £1,135,989
April 18-March 2019 £1, 036,528
April 19-March 2020 £ 1,749,128
April 20-March 2021 £1,918,039
April 21-March 2022 2021-22 accounts are not fully reconciled at this point.
2. We are unable to confirm our available budget for 2022 at this point Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
Year Spend
April 17-March 2018 £8900
April 18-March 2019 £28,255
April 19-March 2020 £20,507
April 20-March 2021 £5892
April 21-March 2022 £4800
4. Actions in Borders include:
* Ongoing work with education staff to review and update substance education in schools
* Delivery of Alcohol Brief Interventions in priority and wider settings
* Production of evidence to support Licensing Decisions
* Provision of services to support children affected by parental substance use
* Provision of workforce training directory.
Year Spend
April 17-March 2018 £125,554
April 18-March 2019 £108,924
April 19-March 2020 £40,875
April 20-March 2021 £25,920
April 2021-March 2022 2021-22 accounts are not fully reconciled at this point.
6. Funding comes from:
* ADP allocation from Scottish Government
* Scottish Borders Council Social Work Services
* NHS Borders (Public Health, Pharmacy and Mental Health services) also provide funding.
7. Scottish Borders does not hold some of the information in the format requested as the figures used to compile this table are taken from the Drug and Alcohol Waiting Times Database. This database ceased in March 2021 and services now enter data on Drug and Alcohol Information System (DAISy). It is not possible to count individual people and instead we have presented the total number of episodes of care. A person may attend for two or more episodes of care the year. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
Number of individual episodes of care who started treatment in Borders Addiction Service (Drugs and Alcohol)
Source: Drug and Alcohol Waiting Times Database (2012 – 2021) Drug and Alcohol Information System (2021-2022)
Year Number of people
April 12 – March 2013 259
April 13 – March 2014 297
April 14– March 2015 261
April 15 – March 2016 266
April 16– March 2017 303
April 17 – March 2018 173
April 18 – March 2019 154
April 19 – March 2020 156
April 20 – March 2021 128
April 21 – March 2022 105
8. Total number of episodes of cares for drug and alcohol treatment between 2013 – 2021 = 2102.
Please note this is not the number of individuals. We are unable to provide this from current systems. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
9. We are unable to provide this data from current systems. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.