1. I am looking for the number of refuse workers in your local authority area. Could you please provide the FTE number of staff employed to work in the following financial years – April 2017/18, April 18/19, April 19/20, April 20/21 and April 21/22? 2. As well as the number of council staff employed to collect bins and recycling, could you tell me how many agency staff your local authority has employed in the years specified.
3. Finally could you tell me the cost to the council of employing these agency staff.
Year FTE
2017/18 (snapshot date 31/03/2018) 93.61
2018/19 (snapshot date 31/03/2019) 90.8
2019/20 (snapshot date 31/03/2020) 87.8
2020/21 (snapshot date 31/03/2021) 86.3
2021/22 (snapshot date 31/03/2022) 83.3
17/18 – 1,356 days
18/19 – 1,131 days
19/20 – 287 days
20/21 – 180 days
21/22 – 13 days