You kindly last provided us with information in September 2021.We are completing our online database and are keen to ensure we have the correct information from local authorities, hence our request.
Please confirm the following:
Q1a If the IHRA Definition has been adopted by the Council since 10 September 2021. If so, please provide the date that the motion/decision to do so was approved and provide a copy of the relevant motion/minutes/policy document or a working link if it is available on your website.
See for more information about the IHRA Definition and the IHRA statement on the integrality of the examples.
Q1b If the IHRA Definition has been adopted, was the IHRA Definition adopted in its entirety including all of the examples?
Q1c If all of the examples were not adopted, which ones were adopted?
Q1d If the IHRA Definition has not been adopted at all, was there a motion/decision to adopt the IHRA Definition which was defeated, and if so on what date was it defeated?
Q1e. If the IHRA Definition has not yet been adopted, has adoption been timetabled?
Q1a The IHRA Definition has not been adopted by the Council.
Q1d There has been no motion/decision on the adoption of the IHRA Definition.
Q1e There is no planned timetable to adopt the IHRA Definition. As previously reported the following behaviour is covered by our Dignity and Respect at Work policy:
Bullying; which is persistent, unwelcome, offensive and intimidating behaviour or misuse of power which makes someone feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable and undermines their self-confidence.
Bullying is unlikely to be a single or isolated instance. It is usually, but not exclusively repeated and persistent behaviour which is offensive, abusive, intimidating, malicious or insulting. Bullying includes but is not limited to:
* Conduct which is intimidating, physically abusive or threatening.
* Conduct that degrades, ridicules or humiliates an individual, especially in front of colleagues.
* Picking on one person when there is a common problem.
* Shouting at an individual to get things done.
* Consistently undermining someone and their ability to do the job.
* Setting unrealistic targets or excessive workloads.
* "Cyber bullying" i.e. bullying via e-mail. (This should be borne in mind where employees are working remotely and are managed by e-mail. Care and sensitivity should be practised with regard to the choice of context and language).
* Setting an individual up to fail e.g. by giving inadequate instructions or unreasonable deadlines.
Harassment; which is unwanted conduct that, violates someone's dignity and creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. Harassment may be defined as any conduct which is:-
* Unwanted by the recipient
* Is considered objectionable
* Causes humiliation, offence, distress or other detrimental effect.
Specific to the Equality Act 2010.
Racial harassment
Any hostile or offensive expression by a person towards another - or encouraging others to commit such an act - on the grounds of their colour race, nationality, religion or ethnic or national origins.
Ranges from violent physical assault to jokes, remarks, threats or abuse.
Harassment due to religion or belief
Any hostile or offensive expression by a person towards another - or encouraging others to commit such an act - on the grounds of their religion or belief.
Includes jokes, remarks or abuse.
We believe this adequately covers the IHRA definition of anti Semitism.