Council Tax Reduction Recipients - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Council Tax Reduction Recipients
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I would like to request the following information: - how many people are currently receiving council tax reduction in your area- how many of those people are currently in council tax arrears- how many of those people receiving council tax reduction (who are in social housing) are in rental arrears?
I understand that your authority may not have any social housing stock and so may not hold this information, If that's the case, please ignore my final request,
I can confirm that we currently have 8,082 households who have an entitled to Council Tax Reduction for 2022/23. Of those, 2,524 households have a balance outstanding that has progressed through our recovery cycle and a Summary Warrant has been obtained. For clarity, as a Scottish Authority, Council Tax bills also include charges for Water and Waste Water, the figure noted above also includes persons entitled to 100% Council Tax Reduction but have an arrears amount for Water and Waste Water services.
Scottish Borders Council became a stock transfer authority in 2003 and therefore information regarding social housing is not held we give notice under Section 17 (1) (b) of the Freedom of Information Act 2002.