Q1) What percentage of 1140 hours delivery is through partner providers (excluding local authority settings) from Aug '21-Mar '22?Q2) What percentage of ELC budget is (including 600/1140 hours) used to fund partner providers (excluding local authority settings) from Aug '21 - Mar '22?Q3) What was your combined ELC budget (600/1140) for 2021/22?Q4) What percentage of ELC budget for 2021/22 was spent on capital expenditure?
Q5) What percentage of ELC budget for 2021/22 was spent on training and support for partner providers?
Q1) 37%
Q2) 23%
Q3) £15,928,369
Q4) 0%. Separate ring fenced funding of £2,690,000 was received from Scottish Government for 2021/22
Q5) 22% (includes Support for Managers/Training/ASN Grants/Additional 10p Healthy Snack, Payments and Lunches)