Adult Concern Referrals - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Adult Concern Referrals
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to request information recorded in respect of the following: 1. How many adult concern referrals did you receive in 2021, and of these:a. How many went to investigation?
a. How many went to case conference?
a. How many remained under ASP/ case management?
a. How many resulted in protection orders and what were they – assessment orders, removal orders, banning or temporary banning order? 
a. How many went to MARAC?
1. How many adult concern referrals did you receive for women with learning disabilities (as differentiated from specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia) in 2021, and of these:
a. How many went to investigation?
a. How many went to case conference?
a. How many remained under ASP/ case management?
a. How many resulted in protection orders and what were they – assessment orders, removal orders, banning or temporary banning order? 
a. How many went to MARAC?
1. How many adult concern referrals did you receive for women with learning disabilities (as differentiated from specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia) experiencing Gender-Based violence in 2021, and of these:
a. How many went to investigation?
a. How many went to case conference?
a. How many remained under ASP/ case management?
a. How many resulted in protection orders and what were they – assessment orders, removal orders, banning or temporary banning order? 
a. How many went to MARAC?
1. 281
a. 186
b. 27
c. We do not currently track or count this data *
d. 1
e. 3

2. 25
a. 18
b. 5
c. We do not currently count or track this data *
d. 0
e. 1

3. 4
a. 2
b. 0
c. We do not currently count or track this data *
d. 0
e. 1

*Q1, 2 and 3 c
Scottish Borders Council has considered your request and concluded that the cost of complying with it would be more than £600. Under S12 (1) of FOISA 2002 Scottish Borders Council is not obliged to comply with a request that is estimated to exceed this cost. We do not currently track or count this data and would require manual reading of the files. 281 individual case files each requiring a minimum of 1 hour to read carefully to get relevant information to answer the questions.