Protect Duty - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Protect Duty
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Please can you provide the following: * A bullet point list of all the measures the council has taken in preparation for the introduction of the 'Protect Duty' which is expected to come into effect in 2022* The full amount (in £) the council has spent to date implementing the aforementioned measures as well as the amount of money (in £) assigned to make the above changes ahead of the introduction of 'Protect Duty'* If you have not yet assigned a budget or implemented measures ahead of 'Protect Duty' coming into effect, do you expect to do so in the next 6 months? (please answer either Yes, No or N/A)
Clarification of what we are referring to when we say 'Protect Duty':
The government is imposing new legislation under the name of 'Protect Duty', increasing the protection of the UK's publicly accessible locations against terrorist attacks and ensuring they are equipped to deal with all possible incidents. Additional security measures and perimeter protection will be required for public venues, organisations, and public spaces under this new legislation. More information can be found here.
Can the above mentioned information please be supplied electronically in excel format and the data be categorised as per the bullet points above.
Scottish Borders does not hold the information requested. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
Protect Duty was annotated in the background lobbying pack for the Queen's speech, which will allow this legislation to be presented to parliament either in full or presented as a draft bill for Parliamentary Scrutiny ahead of a the full legislation being drafted.
Policy considerations are still awaiting UK Ministerial approval before consultation on the wider impact can be conducted with stakeholders