Elective Home Education - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Elective Home Education
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from the council. Please may you provide me with answers to the following questions:1.     How many children are currently known as being electively home educated in the local authority? Of those children, how many have:a. no known Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)?b. Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with and without EHCPs?
2.     How many pupils were deregistered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017
3.     How many children with no known Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) were deregistered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017
4.     How many children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) with and without EHCPs were deregistered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017
5.     How many children were deregistered from special schools to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017
6.     How many children under mental health services, such as CAMHS, were deregistered from school to be electively home educated in the local authority in:
a.     July 2021
b.     July 2020
c.      July 2019
d.     July 2018
e.     July 2017
Please provide the information in the form of either a written document, sent as a PDF or Word document by email, or in an Excel spreadsheet sent by email.
1.     110 pupils.
a. The council do not hold information on the additional educational needs of home educated children. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.
b. The council do not hold information on the additional educational needs of home educated children. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.

a.     July 2021 - 73 TOTAL
b.     July 2020 - 41 TOTAL
c.      July 2019 - 53 TOTAL
d.     July 2018 - 67 TOTAL
e.     July 2017 - 17 TOTAL

Q3-6  The council do not hold information on the additional educational needs of home educated children. Therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.