SBC Green Space - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
SBC Green Space
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I would like to make a freedom of information request. Please could you provide in writing:* The total area of publicly accessible green space currently owned by the council. By green space, I mean areas which are primarily covered in grass, meadow, woodland, marshland, beachland etc., including parks. It would not include areas which are primarily covered in tarmac or concrete even if they have incidental planting of trees or other greenery.* The same figure as it was on 1 January 2012* The same figure as it was on 1 January 2002
Ideally these figures would be provided in square kilometres or square miles.
The Scottish Borders covers a vast area of land and within it are various pockets of green spaces / open spaces etc. It is not all owned by the Council and some of it will belong to, for example, private individuals, housing associations, etc.
We cannot provide the figure for 2012 as it is too broad – the Estates Department would need to look at land sales, site developments, demolitions, purchases etc. for the last 10 years and it would place a substantial burden on Scottish Borders Council (SBC) in terms of costs and resources required. We therefore give notice under 10(4)(b) of EI(S)R 2004 that it is manifestly unreasonable for SBC to provide this information.
We currently have approximately have 2753403 m2 of open space/greenspace.