SPUC Resources used in Schools - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
SPUC Resources used in Schools
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Good afternoon. I would like to request the following information be released under FOISA. Please provide copies of any resources or materials related to the work of Society for the Prevention of Unborn Children. For example, this may include a copy of a PowerPoint, or a factsheet, used by SPUC during a visit to a school. Although the SPUC may have produced some of these materials, anything held by the council (including schools) at the time of the request is subject to FOI and there is a clear public interest in the release of this information, so if schools have materials that they have produced, or if they are in possession (digitally or on paper copies) of any SPUC-produced materials, then these should be released to me.
The Council does not hold any resources or materials related to the work of Society for the Prevention of Unborn Children and have not been invited to speak at any school (primary or secondary), therefore we refer to S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that the information is not held.