I would like to ask the following questions. 1. How many allotments does the council own? Please give this figure for each financial year since 2007/08, including the current financial year.2. What is the current average estimated waiting time for an allotment in this council?3. What is the current longest someone has been waiting for an allotment?
1. Since 2007/08 and currently SBC has 86 allotment sites with tenants and 7 newly formed in 2022 yet to be allocated.
2. Unfortunately Scottish Borders Council currently does not record this information. Investigatory work could be done to find out the average however it would be a major exercise as the information is not recorded in a retrievable format.
Once a person has been awarded an allotment their details, including the first contact date, are removed from the Waiting list and therefore we refer to regulation 10(4)(a) of EI(S)R 204 and declare that the information is not held.