Generation Z in the Public Library - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Generation Z in the Public Library
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
I am writing to you to ask for information under the Freedom of Information Act pertaining to your library service. The information will be used in academic research into Generation Z in the public library.Please provide information on the following:1 a). Do you have a children's librarian?
1 b). If you do not have a children's librarian, when was one last in place? Please provide year.
2 a). How many borrowers born between 1997-2012 do you have?
2 b). How many of these borrowers were active in the past (financial) year?
3. What do you categorise ages 10-12, Teenage, and 20-25 as?
4. What is your annual budget for borrowers in this (1997-2012) age range(10-12, Teenage, 20-25)? Please provide a breakdown for each category age range.
5. How many books do you have in stock for each of these age categories (10-12, Teenage, 20-25)?
6 a). How do you choose stock for these age categories? Is it primary through requests, best sellers/ top 10s, etc.
6 b). How quickly does it take for someone to place a reservation on a 'no trace' (non-stock) book, and for that book to be purchased and delivered to the borrower? Please answer in days.
7 a). Do you have a New Adult category?
7 b). Is this a category that your library service wants to explore more?
8. Do you work with school libraries with the 10-12 and teenage age range? e.g., literature activities and sharing stock, etc.
9. Do you have author visits for these three age categories? If so, how often do they happen?
10. What were your top 10 most borrowed books for 10-12, teenage, and 20-25 categories for the past 5 financial years?
11. What activities do you provide for children under 10?
12 a) What clubs/ activities do you provide for the 10-12, teenage, and 20-25 age range?
12 b). What clubs did you offer before covid procedures were put into place that you no longer offer, and why do you no longer offer them?
13. Have you noticed an increase or decrease in these age ranges being active in the library since covid procedures were put into place?
14. How many books were borrowed within these age ranges in the past 5 financial years?
A). Physical
B). Electronic
15. Are you influenced by Booktok (Book influencers on TikTok) or Bookstagram (Books influencers on Instagram) in your stock selection and display ideas?
16. How do you choose eBook and audio titles?
17. Who is your eBook/ audio provider? E.g., Libby.
18. Do you have any plans in the future for development in attracting borrowers aged 10-25?
19. How many libraries do you have?
The responsibility for managing the Council's public libraries and leisure facilities was devolved to Live Borders in April 2016. Therefore we refer to section S17 of FOI(S)A 2002 and declare that information is not held. Live Borders can be contacted via the link below.