Community wardens and community dog wardens - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Community wardens and community dog wardens
FOI Number
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Request or Question
Please can you provide the number of community wardens and community dog wardens (please provide these separately) within your local authority for the last five years.
Scottish Borders Council does not operate with Community Wardens or Dog Wardens.
However, we have 1 Dog Control Officer who deals with complaints about dogs and may issue a Dog Control Notice is appropriate. They may also deal with excessive dog barking complaints as initial stage of a noise complaint.
We also have 1 Dog Education Officer who deals with member of the public reports about dog fouling. A fixed penalty notice that is issued by the Police will be sent for recovery to the Council if appropriate evidence of who committed the fouling and that person is willing to give a statement. This is retrospective and we do not monitor the streets in a tradition sense of what a dog warden may do. The Education Officer also attends events and schools etc promoting responsible dog ownership.