Fly tipping - Freedom of information requests

Title or Description
Fly tipping
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
Fly tipping volume and composition1. When a fly tipping incident occurs, do you record how the fly tipped materials are disposed i.e. into waste or recycling?
Data that informs fly tipping management
2. Do you collect information on any factors that might explain changes in fly tipping frequency (e.g. seasonality, transient populations, local or global events)? If yes, what do you collect?
3. Do you use any technology to support the identification and management of fly tipping? (e.g. geospatial technology)
Fly tipping prevention activities
4. Have you carried out any fly tipping prevention activities or interventions in the last three financial years (these could include awareness raising and promotion of waste disposal options, increased surveillance of hotspots, work with residents, landlords, local businesses, improved enforcement)? If yes: please list and describe the factors that informed the intervention s design.
5. Did you work with any internal or external partners when planning fly tipping prevention activities or interventions? If yes, please list these partners.
6. Have you collected data on the impact and/or effectiveness of these fly tipping prevention interventions? What measures of impact and/or effectiveness did you use?
Fly tipping volume and composition

1. We record the types and quantities of items uplifted but how disposed of isn t recorded. Fly tipped items would be disposed of in the appropriate manner, e.g. a fridge-freezer would go to white goods at Community Recycling Centre, etc. Some of the information you have requested cannot be provided because Scottish Borders Council does not hold it and therefore we give notice of under 10(4)(a) of EI(S)R 2004.

Data that informs fly tipping management
2. No.
3. Presence of fly tipping is recorded as part of LEAMS audits, however that is just a 5% sample of streets and is carried out 3 times per year. The data collected can be used for spatial analysis, identifying hotspots , trends, etc.

Fly tipping prevention activities
4. No.
5. No.
6. No.