Information around FOI requests statistics - Freedom of information requests
Title or Description
Information around FOI requests statistics
FOI Number
Date Received
Type of Request
Request or Question
1. Number of FOI requests received in the last 12 months. 2. Number of FOI requests responded to in the last 12 months.
3. Number of FOI requests responded to on time in the last 12 months.
4. Number of FOI requests that were not answered in full (due to exemptions).
5. List of how often each exemption was applied.
6. Number of FTEs responsible for handling and responding to FOI requests.
7. Annual salary of the FTEs responsible for handling and responding to FOI requests.
In answer to questions 1 to 5 all 2023 data is available to view from the following link: FOI and EIRs statistics | Scottish Information Commissioner (
As this information is already available section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 Information otherwise accessible applies and the information is not reproduced here.
The answers below provide the figures January 2024
1. Number of FOI requests received in the last 12 months. In January 2024 there were 159
2. Number of FOI requests responded to in the last 12 months. In January 2024 there were 147
3. Number of FOI requests responded to on time in the last 12 months. In January 2024 there were 121
4. Number of FOI requests that were not answered in full (due to exemptions). In January 2024 there were 17
5. List of how often each exemption was applied. In January 2024 the following exemptions were applied:
S17 Information is not held = 18
10(4)(a) Information is not held = 4
12 Excessive cost of compliance = 2
25(1) Otherwise accessible = 1
27(1) Future publication: 12 weeks = 1
30 Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs = 1
33(1)(b) Substantial prejudice to commercial interests = 2
38(1)(b) Third party personal data = 9
10(5)(e) Substantial prejudice to confidentiality of commercial or industrial information = 1
11(1) Personal data of the applicant = 1
11(2) Third party personal data = 3
6. Number of FTEs responsible for handling and responding to FOI requests. The Information Management Team (IMT) is made up of an Information Manager, 2 Information Officers and 1 Legal Assistant.
For information, the Council also have a number of FOI Coordinators . This is part of an existing role e.g., IT Business Partner or Administrative Assistant.
7. Annual salary of the FTEs responsible for handling and responding to FOI requests.
Information Manager grade 9 [40,485.94 - 43,734.43 per annum]
Information Officer - grade 7 [ 29,992.20 - 33,021.70 per annum]
Legal Assistant grade 5 [23,768.96 - 25,831.20 per annum]