Please provide any communications exchanged since 01/01/2022 which relate to far-right/neo Nazi activity, including mentions of Patriotic Alternative, or Homeland/the Homeland Party.
Please include any attachments and other media held, such as images.
Scottish Borders Council hold no specific communications relating to this request all documents and communications have been searched and the below open-source statements have been found in documents-.
Far-right extremist accused of sneaking into politics was contact of notorious UK bigot.
Daily Record, 30/01/2024
A Trojan horse extremist who is accused of sneakily infiltrating local politics was a close associate of one of the UK s most notorious bigots. Simon Crane claims his involvement in local politics in East Calder, in West Lothian, is purely motivated by helping the community. But anti-fascist campaigners believe his recent close association with figures like Sam Melia who faces jail for a racist stickering campaign reveals his true motivations. Melia, 34, was convicted last week at Leeds Crown Court of running an online library of downloadable white supremacist stickers. In October 2022, the Daily Record published photos of Melia proudly posing with Crane at a rally for the ultra-right-wing Patriotic Alternative group in Stirling.
Devon Live, 30/08/2023
An Exeter resident has said they are shocked and deeply concerned to find out that a far-right, nationalist group has been trying to inflame views on a local traffic scheme. Leaflets have been posted through letterboxes in the city which claim the trial is "a shameless attempt to restrict movement and control our lives". Locals in the Heavitree area of Exeter have received leaflets from far-right group Patriotic Alternative, a far-right group which grew out of division in the BNP and similar groups. They have been linked to protests against housing asylum seekers.